On Deck.

In our first month as creatives, we learned all the rules of Defence Force Recruitment. In our second month, we broke every single one.

Despite a rigid government client, we broke formality, process, and tone and sold in an MTV Cribs-style tour of a Navy LHD and Submarine (with Snoop Dogg as key reference) to demystify Navy life for potential candidates.

Given a ‘no shoot’ budget, Navy loved the idea so much that they happily stretched their wallet 14-fold.

When I show ‘outsiders’ my website, this one’s apparently the crowd pleaser. Meaning that it’s my “beer ad where the horse farts”.

Kabai’s crib.

Jess’ crib.

Creatives: Charlie Dejean & Andrew Bao

Creative Director: Kieran Moroney


A Different Lens